Thursday, September 12, 2013


This week in class we are learning about the rules and responsibilities of the technology lab.  We are reading and signing our technology contracts which hold us responsible for the handling of equipment, as well as the expectations of being in the technology lab.  These rules are in place to help keep the lab equipment, and ourselves safe.   


                        · Computers are to be treated with respect just like every other piece of equipment.
                        · You must follow the teachers’ directions with regards to computer usage or you will get your computer privileges taken away.
                        · You may not play with the mouse, keys on keyboard, or display of the computer.
                        · The desk must remain clean and picked up.
                        · You must put all books and personal belongings on the back of your chair and not on your desk. (objects on desk can make it difficult to work on the computer)
                        · You should not EVER have food or drinks near the computers.
                        · Do not ever attempt to “fix” a computer – notify me immediately if you have a problem.
                        · Always log out of your account before you leave class – You are responsible for anything done on your online account if you leave it logged in.
                        · You may only use headphones when you have permission from your teacher.

Student Name ­­­­­­­­­­____________________________________________________________________


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Ms. Martelli's Virtual Classroom

 Ms. Martelli's Virtual Classroom